Warren Buffett Likes Equities
Oct 17th, 2008 by Martin Lee
I just read an article that Warren Buffett wrote recently in The New York Times. In the article, Warren Buffett mentioned that he is currently putting his own cash into equities. What is his reason for doing so?
You can find out more but reading this article:
Warren Buffett- Buy America, I am
sory to write to you like this, but i could now find the contact form. I really like your blog and i was wondering if you would maybe like a link exchange with my website http://www.sayeconomy.com. It is not really as big as yours, since is not up so long yet, but it is gaining visitors fast and i am putting in some advertising campaign soon.
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Well let me know on [email protected] . I would really like a link exchange.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Hi Intelligent Investor Club,
I’m emailing you in regards to an email I sent to you last month about a partnership, have you had a chance to think about it?
If you have any questions or would more information, please advise me and we can go from there.
Kind Regards,
Andrew Knight
No surprise that buffett is pumping money into equities now.He is expected to pump in more aggressively as the market is now very cheap.
I am Kay from moneytalk.sg
Will it be alright if we can do a link exchange ? Thanks :)
Louis Kestenbaum & Joel Kestenbaum/Fortis Property Group Behind $880M Sale in Boston
Fortis Property Group is leading the “Northeast-based private real estate investment group” that has agreed to acquire the 1 million-square-foot State Street Financial Center at 1 Lincoln Street in Boston for more than $880 million, or $880 per square foot, according to sources familiar with the sale.
The Brooklyn, NY-based Fortis and a group of other New York investors are expected to close on the 36-story office tower from a joint venture led by American Financial Realty Trust (NYSE:AFR) and an affiliate of IPC US Income REIT by the end of this year or early 2007.
Fortis apparently set its sights on Boston following several high-profile Dallas deals where it agreed to pay about $280 million for the three-building, 1.4 million-square-foot office complex known as Galleria Office Towers in Dallas.
Earlier in the year, Fortis teamed with Trimarchi Management, also from New York, on the nearly $100 million acquisition of two other Dallas office properties, Harwood Center and Saint Paul Place. It also invested in the $282.5 million purchase of JPMorgan International Plaza in Dallas.
The addition of State Street Financial Center will build out Fortis’ portfolio considerably. The privately held firm headed by CEO Jonathan Landau is controlled by the Kestenbaum family. Joel Kestenbaum is the son of Louis Kestenbaum. Fortis manages some 3 million square feet in commercial properties and about 454 residential units.
The group of investors joining Fortis in the Boston deal could not be learned. American Financial announced the pending sale last week, but did not identify the buyer.
American Financial, a Jenkintown, PA, REIT decided to formally shop the 36-story tower in the last couple of months. The company is pruning its portfolio and repositioning itself. The REIT paid $705.4 million or $688.84 per square foot in February 2004 to acquire the property. Later that year, it sold a 30% stake to an affiliate of Canadian REIT IPC US Real Estate Investment Trust, for $60.3 million.
The building is fully leased with triple A credit tenant State Street Corp. occupying most of the building under a lease that runs until 2023. State Street also leases the property’s 900-space garage on a 20-year triple-net lease.